All material contained within this website © Emily Elisa Halpern.
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February 2025
Finally the fires have been put out in Los Angeles. Now let's hope mud slides don't cause further chaos.
What's new? I just updated the site with a new piece I did a year ago and forgot to post: "Unrivaled Connections", oil paint on canvas, 60" x 80". It depicts sharks circling an empty rowboat on a still, moonlit night over the ocean. I use visual metaphors to express themes about relationships. In this case, an imbalanced dynamic: a vulnerable romantic partner on the verge of betrayal/collapse from a predator.
The great thing about being a painter is that many of life's experience can be mined as content for subject matter on work. No horrible experience goes unused!
The next Art Walk is May 3rd and 4th. Hope to see you here in beautiful LA. We could use a little influx of good vibes.
All material contained within this website © Emily Elisa Halpern.
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